The Nurse Link

The Nurse Link is a social enterprise whose aim was to connect current, future and aspiring nurses for mentorship, networking and empowerment through event curation and community building.
Jannel Gooden of Novice Is The New Nurse is an experienced nurse who's passionate about the new nurse journey and has dedicated her platform to new-nurse wellness & confidence. She is the first-time author of a new book titled, Lavender & Peppermint Tea, an experiential affirmations book geared toward wellness and confidence for new graduate nurses.
As a brand-new enterprise, The Nurse Link had never hosted a nursing conference nor established a social presence. Additionally, healthcare and its respective stakeholders were slow to new marketing strategies both online and in-person, leaving many in the industry unaware of how to target their audience in the social space.

We utilized influencer marketing to position The Nurse Link as the ultimate nursing conference that positively impacts nursing culture by connecting current and aspiring nurses to one another and putting them directly in front of the necessary resources, tools, thought leaders and mentorship they need to be successful.
We strategically researched and constructed a diverse nurse influencer speaker panel with nurses from all around the country. They promoted their participation in the event to their respective social channels.
Additionally, we identified and utilized nurses to help facilitate grassroots awareness about the event to their respective social channels, places of employment and community.
A social media promo campaign was also utilized to promote the event through sponsored posts, collaborations and giveaways.

We successfully generated brand awareness and exposure surrounding the event that garnered the interest and participation of industry stakeholders including but not limited to top test prep, hospital and scrub companies. As a result, we were able to procure sponsorship, vendors and over 300 attendees at the first ever event. In doing so, we accomplished the brand’s mission of connecting nurses with valuable resources. At subsequent events we were able to successfully continue to increase brand awareness and exposure leading to corporate level partnerships for a 5-city national tour.